August 22, 2024 - 4:40:47 PM

I made the most delicious sandwich.

Last night, my mom gave me some buffalo chicken mac n' cheese because she's actually the coolest. AND earlier I had gone to the library and saw a cookbook for grilled cheeses.

So naturally that means that I had to make a mac n' grilled cheese and oh my god I have died and went to heaven. It was like resturant quality grilled cheese if you know what I mean.

Like, lots of grease but it still tastes so good that you just can't stop eating it and you feel kinda terrible afterwords because it was so unhealthy and such a big sandwich.

No regrets though.

The fall semester starts monday and I am not excited. I'm only taking 18 credits, which in the grand scheme of things isn't terrible. However I'm still a business major right now (which was not my decision), so I know all of my classes are going to be the most boring, soul-sucking essay writting.

Only good thing about being a business major is that the classes are stupid easy. I do have so generals this semester, and a math class, which is gonna suck.

Mostly I think I'm going to miss being able to schedual each day differently. Freedom is really the best part of summer. I never have the same schedual two days in a row and now it's going to be like the same classes every day. :/

Does this post make me sound like an entitled asshole? I hope not. If it makes you feel better its at community college.


All this to say I'll probably be updating this site less. Which is crazy because I've only been hyperfixating on it for like two weeks. My dreams are in CSS.

I'll let yall know how it goes, peace.