Something something, loneliness, something, something, capitilism.
So recently, I've been feeling a lot of loneliness, and I think this is mostly due to all of my classes this semester are online. I attend like 3 zoom meeting every day, but I don't need to leave the house if I don't want to, and it's got me feeling like I'm in COVID times again. and I'm not having fun.
And I know I'm not the only one who is dealing with this kind of problem. Lots of studys have shown that loneliness is increasing in basically everyone, and it's because of capitlism. I'm not gonna get into the theory, because I am woefully unequipt to talk anything theory, but check out this Second Thought video that talks about that.
Unfortuatly, I'm unlike to change the entire foundation of our society in an afternoon, so I got to find something else.
I really want to join a band, but I live in a super small town. I don't know anyone who plays intruments other than like the kids I know from highschool who were in band.
I don't really know what I'm doing. I want to hang out with new people, but where do you meet new people when your 18, poor, and doing college online? I can't go to bars or anything, and I don't have a school social setting. Am I just suppose to work until I die?
I have a couple of friends that I still hang out with from highschool, but the more I spend time with them the more I feel like I grew up and they didn't. Like, the jokes that were funny freshman year aren't that funny any more, and some of y'all just treat other people terriblly and have no concept of social cues.
I'm just venting I guess. I wish I had more of a sense of community, or even an online community to hang out with. But honestly some of the people I know online are worse than the assholes I know in real life.
I think I'm going to try to connect with the LGBT center a town over. They have a Trans support group on their website. I don't really need support I guess, but it would be nice to talk to some other trans people. I'll let y'all know how that goes.
Until my next crisis,